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merriam webster

1 Translation result for to fix in Spanish


fix verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
fixed, has fixed, is fixing, fixes
sujetar, asegurar, fijar; concretar, establecer; arreglar, reparar; preparar; amañar; fijar (los ojos, la mirada, etc.)

Example sentences of
fix verb

  • He fixed the fence last weekend.
  • I need to fix this dent in my car.
  • People expect the schools to fix whatever is wrong with their kids.
  • All tables on the ship will be fixed to the floor.
  • The table was fixed firmly to the floor.
  • The scarf was fixed in place with a pin.
  • They haven't yet fixed the date of their wedding.
  • Investigators are still attempting to fix the exact time of the accident.
  • They fixed the price at $10.

Detailed synonyms for fix verb

Reverse translation for to fix

sujetar  - to hold on to, to steady, to hold down, to fasten, to attach, to subdue, to conquer 
asegurar  - to assure, to secure, to insure 
fijar  - to fasten, to affix, to establish, to set up, to set, to fix 
concretar  - to pinpoint, to specify, to fulfill, to realize 
establecer  - to establish, to found, to set up 
arreglar  - to repair, to fix, (informal) to patch up, to tidy up, to iron out, to solve, to work out 
reparar  - to repair, to fix, to mend, to make amends for, to make up for something, to correct, to restore, to refresh 
preparar  - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach 
amañar  - to rig, to fix, to tamper with 
fijar  (los ojos, la mirada, etc.) - to fasten, to affix, to establish, to set up, to set, to fix